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The best ways to experience activities in Swedish Lapland & Norway on a budget.

90degreesnorth, Off the grid Destinations Experiences that will fulfill your bucket list, Lowest prices

Adventure Activities

A mind that is streched by a new experience can never go back to its do old dimensions.

Oliver Wendell Holmes
Go on a Enthralling Snowmobile ride through the white forests of Lapland, Cuddle with the Huskies and witness the Aurora Borealis in all her might.
Looking for something to do before kick starting your journey to Lapland ? We offer Day tours in the capitals of Scandinavia, Stockholm, Helsinki, Copenhagen and Oslo.

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Call Us / Whatsapp
+46 72 028 20339
Opening hours: 10-12 on weekdays
Registered Postal Address
Rydsvägen 120B, Linköping, Sweden 584 31